Monthly Archives: July 2009

Christmas in July

I still don't understand what is Christmas in July, all I know is they started
to display some Christmas stuff in July. Normally, we won't started Christmas
shopping until October as the earliest. But we started quite early for Alexis
this year since one of the presents is quite high demand. 

Eric and I saw these American Girl Dolls last year while I was pregnant
with little princess. If we could ensure she is a girl, we would have bought
some already. Anyway, we decided if the baby is a girl, it will be her
collection on top of whatever she likes. These dolls honestly is quite expensive
(actually very expensive in my opinion) but very well made. They pay so much
attention to details and come with all kinds of accessories that you can think
of and more. We got her the doll of the year 2009 and some accessories to start
the collection (since it is the year she was born) which does not count as a
christmas gift. Then we got her the Bitty Twins special set as one of the
Christmas presents. I had a hard time choosing the color of the hair, I like the
blonde one but also the brunette. We ended up choosing the bernette one and may
be I will buy the blonde one for myself in the future, haha. Until she is old
enough, I guess 4 is the right age, we will let her choose one of the
look-like-me dolls. (I kind of want one too…already being teased by Eric so
many times). 
Here is the doll of the year – Chrissa
(picture come from 
The Bitty twins and the costumes

bitty twins



(Pictures come from

Growing. Learning. Amazing.

Alexis is already  5 months old and talking so much more. She is so pround of all the little things she learned and capable of doing. She loves to talk and sing to the little frog in the jumper and spin it as fast as she can. After she did something, she will look me into the eyes and tell me what she had done. Jumping and bouncing are her favorite activities, of course eating the toys at the same time are some talents. I don't remember when did she started to eat her hand or finger(s) and talk A LOT at the same time. Sometimes she does that in sleep – AMAZING. 

Little princess still learning how to sit alone and crawl. The cute butt is getting higher and higher lately and the body is rising a little bit more also. If you leave her for a few seconds, sometimes longer, she can support her upper body with the hands placed in front of her legs to sit alone. These few days she progressed to sit without the hands support for a little while. Mommy has been holding her hands while she is sitting to help her developing the balance.

Turning her little body 180 degree as she stand was a new discovery yesterday. Today, she mastered the Rasberry Skill and used it while I was feeding her the rice cereal and squash. Oh gosh, both of us are wearing the food but she is definitly proud of it. Love that she trys to walk in that jumper, talks to me then smiles and laughs out loud. She grows so fast that I have to adjust the height on the jumper for the second time, that means she at least 2 inches taller. I let her try to drink from the cup again with milk and apple juice today. This silly baby surely like the juice a lot and want to hold the cup on her own.




Chinese Hoisin BBQ sauce ribs

Eric made the Chinese Hoisin BBQ ribs two days ago, it was so tendered and yummy. He was so proud to cook it prefectly and so did I. The meat fell of the bone as soon as you touched it. The sauce was delicious, not too spicy but just enough as a touch, and it went with the rice so well. We got another rack of ribs and definitly will make it again.






July 341 


July 335


July 337


囡囡近幾日都開始常常反身,最鐘意向左轉,但時不時都會向右反,一反轉身就好開心,手腳不斷地撐,有幾次pat pat升高起來,我想她正在努力學爬行.








Bare Escentuals用後感

5月底買的Bare Escentuals試用了個多月,大約45天左右,估不到皮膚真的得到改善,最意想不到是兩邊臉龐由乾得脫皮,變成又軟又滑;毛孔收細了,黑頭也明顯減少.老公說的沒錯,個個都說好是有原因的,尤其是16歲的喜歡,80歲的也喜歡,連奶奶和富貴老太太朋友都喜愛,產品必定有一定質素.幸好他說服我又買給我,不然我可能仍然在努力又煩嫌地試著新產品和品牌.要乖乖,不能再貪新鮮試其他,難得找到適合自己的,就要專一.BE的護膚品推出不久,估不到和化妝品一樣的好.

BE全部都是粉狀的化妝品,初時真的很不習慣,但用了一星期左右就上手了,現在掌握了份量,妝容更自然.最新買的sea yourself全部都有防曬,還有眼線掃.我一向都不能畫眼線,每次畫完都不滿意,所以大部分時間我都不會畫(反正又不是必要的).但新一套有齊顏色加掃,沒有理由不試試看,竟然一次就成功,還容易得很…最重要是很自然,加上新的粉藍色眼影,是我近日最愛.不得不提的是它們全部都防水,又非常持久,由朝到晚都不會脫色,我試過洗澡後,妝容仍與早上剛化好妝時是一樣的,真的難以置信.化妝又可同時護膚,全部都是礦物粉末,不會過期又可雙重扮靚.