試了clarisonic兩個星期,效果不錯.第一次試用了在臉上,又用了在左手前臂.讓老公感覺一下左右手的分别,他即時分到左手滑溜很多,原來不是幻覺.初次試用隨機附送的gentle cleaner,很乾淨又不乾燥.幾天後我試用BE的洗面粉,效果更佳.還未試用其他兩種clarsonic的cleaners,用完現在這支才會開它們.
皮膚開始更有光澤,毛孔也清潔得很好,與只用雙手清洗有很明顯的分別.這是第一次感到皮膚這樣清潔,塗上護膚品時,皮膚好像海棉一樣吸收,完全沒有誇大宣傳的效用.It's a keeper.
Monthly Archives: September 2009
7 months old
Alexis is already 7 months old. She starts to notice the surroundings more and likes to look at strangers. The cutest thing is when she feels shy, her little arms hold around me, turning her head toward me but peeking through in 2 seconds. She likes pee-a-boo so much and giggles loud. It makes me laugh too.
clarisonic 送到
等了幾天的Clarisonic Mia終於送到家中,未充電之前按捺不住要試試刷頭,好軟的刷毛,好舒服呀!第一次用之前要充電24小時,好心急想試在臉上(我己經愛上它了,雖然還未真正體驗).我估計最後mia會"讓給"老公,然後買plus.這樣就由頭到腳都可以清潔滑溜,好似日日做完spa一樣,護膚品可以吸收好一點,化妝又易上一點.我相信這將會是另一沒有買錯的產品,試驗之後再向大家報告.
pull up
I woke up Alexis in the morning for breakfast a few days ago, she was so happy to see me and held my hands to help herself sitting up as usual. As soon as she sat up, she started to pull herself up in a continuous motion. She made me realized how strong her little legs became. Actually she has strong legs all along since she was inside me. She always gave me hard kicks that were so uncomfortable (sometimes very painful) in the third trimester.
Now, she is like showing off her strong legs all days long. Reaching for my hands to hold hers so she can sit and stand up. Still working on her crawling, getting better and better, her belly can lift up an inche from the ground now. I am kind of convinced that she may stand alone or even walk before she can crawl. (she knows how to move left then right legs since she was 2 weeks old)
Love being a mom and spending all the time with my loving family. I think God put me in the best position I can be. So blessed and thank you God.
Finally bought the Clarisonic
enjoy making baby food